All Hands on Deck Food Drive huge success!

Milton, Ontario, Canada / FM101 Milton Now

It was a day to remember!

FM 101 Milton held the 5th annual All Hands on Deck Food Drive, hosted by John’s No Frill’s in Milton, on Thursday, August 17th. Residents were asked to come to the grocery store and purchase $5 grab bags filled with a box of macaroni and cheese, cans of baked beans, tuna fish, and tomato soup.

The event was a big success, with hundreds of bags being purchased and dropped off into the Wallace Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, GMC pick-up truck. Program and Community Relations Manager for Food4Kids Halton, Stacey Halliday, explains how Milton residents need help with their groceries despite the town’s affluent reputation.

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Store owner John Mazzawi and his staff came outside during the morning to introduce a massive cheque for Food4Kids Halton. The $6,904.49 donation was raised in the build-up to the food drive through the store’s Give A Little, Help A Lot campaign.


The day was full of surprise visits and volunteer work, with players from the Milton Menace bagging groceries, local dignitaries like Milton Mayor Gord Krantz and MP Adam van Koeverden donating several bags, as well as the dozens of people who drove by with canned food in hand.


Last year, we collectively raised a record total of $10,344.70 in donations. The number for this year is official: $9342.94. Thank you to everyone who came out and helped make this year the best it could be!

The All Hands on Deck Food Drive for Food4Kids Halton is expected to return for a sixth year next August.

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